you shouldnt have saved me. you shouldnt have waited around for my call for help, because what's so good about living? the days that came afterwards werent even the average type of okay, they were nothing but the "okay-when-do-i-relapse-again" type of ok instead, and is that worth anything? its been years since someone first told me that there will be kinder tomorrows, but i dont see that type of day anywhere near me.
what about life do you so take pride in to stay alive?
if only you were an hour late. or a minute. or two... then maybe i shouldnt be around still tormented about the same old shit from years ago... then we couldve avoided the months of abuse we did to each other. and things wouldnt have to go this far.
i want to rid myself of all these bad feelings i have towards you and the world, but i still cant find it in my heart to let go of them and forgive.