Friday, August 7, 2020

society has progressed past the need for twitte,,r,, migrating to blogspot (dot) com

I love my On Repeat playlist. Hehe. I wish I could love my job just as much. (I don't love that Kevin Yadao song, I just accidentally left it on repeat one time so there.)

In other news, here is my rainbow:

There's this "Leave a dot..." game circulating around Facebook recently and a friend said she admires me for my grit, which surprised me because I've heard intelligence (it's probs the name), or wit or humor or what. This is the second time anyone has ever associated grit with me in my entire life. The first one was the general manager at work. Idk why. Like, hah! Do you know how shitty I am deep inside? Anyway, I'm just 2 hrs in (at work), and I've already had 2 glass of coffee. Still being unproductive. 

I also wanna share this sort of poem I made this year for an assignment (because that's my only motivation to write haha) that i've been meaning to turn into a short story (for the longest time)


No more Twitter, only blogspot dot com. Society has progressed past the need for Twitter.