Tuesday, October 26, 2021

 Someone from the office asked me to hang out with them but I refused them. This other friend kept asking me about Ryan because she had nothing else to talk to me about. I don't blame her. Ganun na nga ata ako kawalang personality. I bailed on them and changed my mind at the last minute. She said it herself—there isn't anything we can talk about. Why would I make myself go through such an ordeal lol. It'll be cool to get free eyelash extensions haha (they said they're paying for me) but free stuff like that makes me feel like a charity case, and that there'll be a catch somewhere. It's so random it feels uncomfortable lol. Plus it wasn't really intended for me to begin with. I was just like a second choice lol I don't like that

I feel like refusing everyone and avoid everyone. I don't want to talk to anyone. I want them to leave me alone tbh. Or more like I wish I could be alone.