the high from yesterday...
...was short-lived
Why doesn't this feeling ever go away? i have always wanted to reach out but i feel like ive reached out too many times, more times than i should have. i dont want to bother anyone anymore. even im tired of myself, what more of them? talking or venting out does not do the trick anymore. ive been getting that numb feeling, for days now. i've just pushed it back some days. but lately, i dont know anymore.
i downed a glass of coffee to maybe give me that push to be a functioning human being, but i still feel like complete shit.
like. utter. shit.
good fucking lord.
come to think of it, that jolt of happiness from yesterday came from what seeing my past self.
why do i never like what i see in the mirror everytime but look fondly over photos of what was of me?
come to think of it, that jolt of happiness from yesterday came from what seeing my past self.
why do i never like what i see in the mirror everytime but look fondly over photos of what was of me?
i need to down another cup of coffee, or else im gonna cry at work. idk idk idk.
i need to down another cup of coffee, or else im gonna cry at work. idk idk idk.