Wednesday, June 1, 2022

 My dog wanted to lick me and I was singing her a song.

Our tongues ended up touching 🥲 PAIN

She's so adorable we've been sleeping together a lot lately. Here she is yesterday:

Here she is this morning:

As I was about to leave the house for work, it started to pour and so I went back to get a jacket, and I hurriedly grabbed yours. You know which one—the windbreak jacket I haven't returned? 

And so today was about you.

Also got a reading. 

Another reading:

Is it alright to long for love despite knowing you're not ready for a commitment? The confidence I had from earlier this year is gone.

Will timing ever go my way? 

At ano nga ba ang konsepto ng personal space?

I was planning to get my booster shot today. I've been postponing it since the weekend, actually, but I feel like shit (like physical health-wise). I'm thinking it's because I binge-watcyed two kdrama series yesterday and slept at 3pm + this sleeping aid I've been taking.